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logopt Log-optimal Portfolios
    ICP Project       

Empirical Portfolio Selection

L. Györfi, Advances in Machine Learning for Computational Finance 2009, AMLCF 2009, London, England, July 2009.

1 video
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Empirical log-optimal portfolio selection

L. Györfi, Workshop on nonparametric function estimation with applications in finance 2009, Oulu, Finland , June 2009.


Machine learning and finance

L. Györfi, Machine Learning Summer School 2007, MLSS 2007, Tuebingen, Germany, August 2007.

2 videos
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Principal component and constantly re-balanced portfolio

L. Györfi and Gy. Ottucsák, Workshop and Mid-Term Conference on Advanced Mathematical Methods for Finance 2007, AMaMeF 2007, Wien, Austria, September 17-22, 2007.

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Growth Optimal Portfolio Selection Strategies with Transaction Cost

L. Györfi, Gy. Ottucsák and I. Vajda, Workshop and Mid-Term Conference on Advanced Mathematical Methods for Finance 2007, AMaMeF 2007, Wien, Austria, September 17-22, 2007.

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