Viktória Nemkin | PhD student | CV | MTMT | IE216.3 |

VProg | | competitive programming student club at BME (algorithms, c++, codeforces, research challenges)
ICPC | college competitive programming contest, BME registration and updates
QuSZIT | quantum computing at BME VIK SZIT

Supervisor | Katalin Friedl

algorithms, competitive programming, quadratic programming, quantum computing, bioinformatics

Lecture notes
Theory of algorithms: practice solutions (old version with Turing machines)

Friedl, K.; Nemkin, V. 2023. Simulations of quantum walks on regular graphs
Nemkin, V. MSc Thesis 2022. Application of Quantum Computing in Bioinformatics
Nemkin, V. TDK 2022. Optimizing memory usage in quantum algorithm simulation
Nemkin, V. TDK 2021. Simulation of quantum walks on a classical computer
Nemkin, V. BSc Thesis 2018. Optimization of multi-variable target functions for timetabling

SZIT PNP setups, VIK Weekly reader, BSM, Primes, π