Combinatorics and Graph Theory 1 (BMEVISZA025)

2021 Spring semester


Rita Csákány
Office hours: by arrangement


Lecture:   Monday   14.15-16.00
Practice:  Friday      14.15-16.00

There will be one midterm during the semester, and two possibilities
to repeat it (you have to register in the neptun only for the second one).
To obtain a signature, you have to reach at least 40% on the midterm.
The final grade is based 40% on the midterms, 10% on the homework assignments and 50% on the  exam.


Midterm:  April 30, Friday, 8-10 am.
First repeat:  May 18, Tuesday
Second repeat:  May 27, Thursday


Some of the topics of the class

Online materials:

Graph Theory slides
R. Diestel: Graph Theory
Tero Harju: Lecture Notes on GRAPH THEORY

Exercise sets and solutions:

Exercise set 1.,  HW: 16./b, 19.  Solutions
Exercise set 2.,  HW:  14, 19.  Solutions
Exercise set 3.,  HW:  12, 25.  Solutions
Exercise set 4.,  HW:  4, 14.   Solutions
Exercise set 5.+6.,  HW:  4/24, 5/13  Solutions
Exercise set 7.,  HW:  5, 18  Solutions
Exercise set 8.,  HW:  3, 10  Solutions
Exercise set 9.,  HW:  8, 19  Solutions
Exercise set 10.,  HW:  3, 12  Solutions

Midterms from previous years:

2020: midterm, grading guide, repeat, grading guide, second repeat, grading guide
first midterm, repeat, second repeat; second midterm, repeat, second repeat
first midterm, repeat, second repeat; second midterm, repeat, second repeat

Introduction to the Theory of Computing 2 midterms from previous years:

first midterm, repeat, second repeat; second midterm, repeat, second repeat
first midterm, repeat, second repeat; second midterm, repeat, second repeat

first midterm, repeat, second repeat; second midterm, repeat, second repeat

List of questions for the exam